The goal with CLOWNADO is to make a damned good, scary and splatter-filled, nonstop roller coaster ride of a Horror movie. It's something new, fresh, original and unique but also familiar. Using only Practical Special Makeup Effects and old school styled Visual Effects, CLOWNADO has the vibe of Classic Horror movies we love. Think Evil Dead, Dead Alive, Bad Taste and Texas Chainsaw Massacre if Lucio Fulci was directing, all mixed in a swirling storm of insanity. Now add in scary supernatural Clowns and the cinematic visual style known as FILM NOIR. - intense composition with shadow and light. - and a bit of that incredible John Carpenter suspense (John was also influenced by Noir classics). - and you have an Ambitious, Over the Top Gorefest Epic!. Don't judge a book by it's cover - This is certainly no comedy.【2019-09-04】梵顿Kirin发表简单评价:这摄影和演员都太糟糕了
【2019-09-23】Decadent゜发表简单评价:在低成本恐怖片里面是相当出色的 够血腥暴力 喜欢这类的可以看看 表演也十分荒谬 俗气但有趣
【2019-11-02】浊酒发表简单评价:Todd sheets竟然拍了个这么低档次的作品